The construction and completion of the Zuttosoko project are a collaborative effort involving architects, clients, local residents, and visitors. This way of running a space with community is worth promoting. Therefore, I translated the Japanese concept diagram of collaboration into English.
On June 5th, at the construction site, two architects( @korogaroassociation ) and two clients (young and intelligent entrepreneurs @zuttosoko ) worked together to build. Throughout the construction process, architects and clients made decisions together. This architects’ decentralized decision-making not only existed in their relationship with the clients but also in their choices of materials and structures. The clients' design and operational philosophy for the space is "locally, continuously, collaboratively, based on facts." The emphasis on "based on facts" is elegant. Iitate Village was the city most affected by nuclear radiation in 2011, and ten years later, should the architects appeared as catalysts for transformation or as integral members of the community participating in the construction process. In this collaborative concept diagram, we can see that the role of the architect is weakened and equalized throughout the entire process. When the architect appears in this manner, the materials, structures, and imperfections on-site become more intimate and powerful.
図図倉庫 | 福島県飯舘村 図図倉庫 (zuttosoko.com)
みんなで作る 1000㎡の大型秘密基地 in 飯舘村 - fromhere FUKUSHIMA (fromhere-fukushima.com)